3 min readApr 12, 2023


ArbiPad built on Arbitrum and Zksync.

ArbiPad is a next-generation crowdfunding platform where we launch best-tokenized projects developed by Good Games Guild. GGG investors were carefully selected based on their experience, knowledge & understanding of the industry. Each of our investor have a range of experience including Infrastructure, gaming, NFTs, DeFI and some of the most respected global venture firms.

GGG aims to provide a robust platform for community and Web3 projects. Therefore, funding through ArbiPad will reduce the risk for both investors and startups.

ArbiPad will be built on Arbitrum and zkSync Era, a low-cost, scalable, and high-security blockchain; thus, ArbiPad will have the benefit of fast transaction speeds and high security, while also being cost-effective.

ArbiPad Competitive Advantage:

*Fair Allocation Distribution.

*Safe & Secure.

*Social Mining Feature.

*Buyback & Burn.

ArbiPad Launchpad

ArbiPad Launchpad is a decentralized platform built on the Arbitrum and zkSync network that allows projects to launch their token sales in a fair, transparent, and secure manner. ArbiPad aims to provide a low-cost, scalable, and high-security blockchain infrastructure that is ideal for launching decentralized applications (DApps) and other Web3 projects.

Staking and Vesting Portal

Users are allowed to stake their tokens and earn rewards for contributing to the security and operation of the ArbiPad network. The portal also enables users to vest their tokens, which means to lock them up for a period of time to earn additional rewards or to participate in other activities on the network. This advantages can help distributing tokens in a fair and equitable manner, by incentivizing users to hold and stake their tokens rather than simply selling them.

Game Asset Offering

Game developers are able to monetize their games by creating a new revenue stream through the sale of in-game assets while providing players with a new innovative way to invest in the games they enjoy. Game Asset Offering can reduce the risk for game developers by providing upfront funding and allowing them to iterate on the game before launching it to a broader audience.

ArbiPad User Fund Protection

After gathering feedback from the Good Games Guild Community, we are pleased to release User Fund Protection. This is our commitment to become a safe, transparent, and convenient crowdfunding platform (launchpad) for communities.

ArbiPad will have investor protection as one key market differentiator from competitors. With this initiative, ArbiPad aims to ensure that every user who uses our platform is protected. This will also lead to expanding our offerings in order to enhance users confidence and engagement as well.

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